
Showing posts from July, 2019

Got this from Amazon

I just love Amazon! Got this handy dandy toy from them. I am sure I will be posting about it in the future!!

Not the best dinner

Ok, confession. I can't really cook. I don't follow recipes (probably why) I  use methods. Tonight's dinner wasn't great. I was so excited with homegrown broccoli , farm fresh onions and garlic and roasted carrots. Sounds great right? Added black beans, soy, red pepper flakes and a little mustard. What could go wrong? Buckwheat can go wrong.  I made buckwheat as the grain.  Absolute mush. Well,  the next few dinners won't be exciting. 
Lunch Today! Simple salad of cucumber and spinach with salt pepper and vinegar. I marinated the cucumbers overnight and added to about a cup of fresh spinach. Easy and have more for tomorrow. Loving the summer local backyard farm stands I am finding near me. The best homegrown veggies that I didn't have to grow myself! I also had about 10 bite sized cubes of super firm tofu that I marinated in lemon juice, soy sauce, garlic powder, salt and pepper. It was then baked at 400 for 30 minutes. This is one of my favorite things. Who would think? I think of tofu as my vegan cheese. Smaller lunch than usual, but its hot and the AC out at work, so little appetite. This was a perfect lunch!!

About me, my first entry (and the longest!)

Welcome to my blog! A bit about me........ My weight loss journey started at a very young age and my life filled with diets until I gave up years ago when nothing seemed to help. In October 2001, at a weight of 406,  I underwent gastric bypass, a Roux en Y procedure, with stomach stapling and a duodenal (intestinal) bypass. This has left me with a lifelong need of supplements for nutrition, and more importantly,  multiple food intolerances, in particular to concentrated sweets and fats. The later, I view as a good thing.  I lost 150 lbs within the first year then stabilized and slowly started to regain. I am not sure how much, but somewhere around 60-70 lbs. This was before I bought my current scale. I had lost weight in the past, but it always came back on and always took tremendous effort of abstaining and extreme exercise. The last largest weight loss in my early 30s included hiking 40 miles a week, jogging 2 miles a day before work and strict calorie restriction. Th...