
Farm stand veggies are best!

Gazpacho made from farm grown veggies 1 small green pepper 2 small cucumbers, seeded 4 large tomatoes Salt and pepper Pulse veggies in cuisinart until blended. 
Of course,  as soon as I met another small goal, I literally gained 5 lbs overnight for no good reason.  But I will keep going. I know it's not a true weight gain and will likely drop off as fast as it came.  My lunch today: rasberries, cucumbers, and a mix of broccoli,  carrots,  black beans and buckwheat. 

New goal achieved!

I know its only 2 1/2 lbs since I started this, but I hit my next 5 lb goal. 295! So glad to be under 300 and still heading down . It's slow, but happening!! Yay!!!

Got this from Amazon

I just love Amazon! Got this handy dandy toy from them. I am sure I will be posting about it in the future!!

Not the best dinner

Ok, confession. I can't really cook. I don't follow recipes (probably why) I  use methods. Tonight's dinner wasn't great. I was so excited with homegrown broccoli , farm fresh onions and garlic and roasted carrots. Sounds great right? Added black beans, soy, red pepper flakes and a little mustard. What could go wrong? Buckwheat can go wrong.  I made buckwheat as the grain.  Absolute mush. Well,  the next few dinners won't be exciting. 
Lunch Today! Simple salad of cucumber and spinach with salt pepper and vinegar. I marinated the cucumbers overnight and added to about a cup of fresh spinach. Easy and have more for tomorrow. Loving the summer local backyard farm stands I am finding near me. The best homegrown veggies that I didn't have to grow myself! I also had about 10 bite sized cubes of super firm tofu that I marinated in lemon juice, soy sauce, garlic powder, salt and pepper. It was then baked at 400 for 30 minutes. This is one of my favorite things. Who would think? I think of tofu as my vegan cheese. Smaller lunch than usual, but its hot and the AC out at work, so little appetite. This was a perfect lunch!!